Change wordpress username

Change wordpress username

Have you ever tried to change your WordPress username and you find it can't be changed? In this tutorial, I show you three different methods to change your WordPress username.

Method 1: Create a new user and delete the old one

The easy way to change your WordPress username is to create a new user and give it the administrator role. You will need to use an email address different from the one used by the old account.

Now you need to logout and then login with the new username you just created. Go to the Users section and delete the old username as below

Suppression d'un utilisateur dans WordPress

While deleting your old user, WordPress will ask you what you want to do with their content. 
Make sure you click the "Assign all content to:" option, then select the new user you just created. 
Click on the 'Confirm this action' button to delete the old user account.

Attribuer tout le contenu à un nouvel utilisateur

You have successfully changed your WordPress username. If you wish, you can change the email address of the new user and use the old email address associated with the old user name.

Method 2: Change the username using a plugin

Another simple way to change your WordPress username is by using a plugin. If you're among users who don't want to install a plugin for every little thing, let me assure you that you can safely remove the plugin once you've changed your WordPress username.

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the Username Changer plugin.

plugin user change

During activation, simply access the Users »Your profile page.

Select the username you want to change, then enter the new username.

Modification d'un nom d'utilisateur dans WordPress avec le plugin User Changer

Click the Save Changes button and you're done.

Method 3: Change your WordPress username using phpMyAdmin

This method is a bit complicated, as it requires direct modifications to your WordPress database. Generally I do not recommend that you make direct changes to your WordPress database.

However, in some cases, you may not have any other options. For example, if you forgot your username and email address, you will not be able to access the administrator dashboard to change your username.

Using this method, you can find your username and you can also change it.

The first thing you need to do is log into your cPanel.

phpMyAdmin de cPanel

Next, you need to select the database where your blog is hosted.

You will see your WordPress database tables. By default, WordPress database tables use wp_ as a prefix before the name of each table. You may be using another prefix.

phpMyAdmin Select Database

Click on the wp_users table on the left side.

Changer la valeur user_login

Then click on edit the username you want to change.

Modifier le nom d'utilisateur de phpMyAdmin

Change the user_login value. For example, you can replace 'admin' with 'Your first name'

Press the Go button and you're done.

I hope this tutorial will help you learn how to change your WordPress username.


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